We design and build a broad range of river and wetland property improvements including;
Fishery improvement
- Trout stream restoration
- Aquatic habitat improvement
- Fly fishing properties
River restoration
- Bank stabilization
- Floodplain reconnection
- Riparian re-vegetation
Wetland and wet meadow restoration
- Headcut stabilization
- Watertable augmentation
- Habitat diversification
Healing waterways is our art and natural processes are our medium. Our techniques are subtle and responsive; we let nature take the lead by recognizing and acting on the key opportunities to make fundamental changes that have profoundly beneficial effects. We have developed our own unique approach to process-based river and wetland restoration by blending elements from a wide variety of methods including the Riverstyles® Framework, Natural Channel Design and Induced Meandering among others. Our goal is to create site-specific solutions that improve the health, habitat diversity and hydro-ecological function of rivers, wetlands and wet meadows.

The lasting results of a good restoration project will be found woven into the entire web of life.